Tuesday, December 15, 2009

American Akita

Great Japanese Dog

The American Akita is a breed of dog whose ancestors come from the country of Japan. In the United States the American Akita and Akita Inu (Japanese Akita) are considered the same breed, in all other major countries they are seen as two different breeds.

American Akitas are large dogs; they stand between 24-28 inches and weigh between 75-120 pounds. They have bear-like heads with erect ears. Their double coat is harsh, and the outer coat is waterproof, and they also have webbed cat-like feet which makes them excellent swimmers. Colors can vary, including black, brown, fawn, red, white, and brindle. While black masks and “pinto” colored dogs are not allowed on the Akita Inu, these colorings are quite common and popular on the American Akita.

The history of the American Akita lies in Japan and begins shortly after WWII. At the end of the war many servicemen brought “Akitas” home to the United States. It is important to note that there were three types of dogs that fell into this category, the traditional Matagi-inu hunting dog, a fighting dog that was a mix of Matagi-inu/Mastiff/Great Dane made up a fighting-type, and lastly a Matagi-inu/German Shepard cross. Most of the dogs brought to the United States were of the fighting-type and German Shepard crosses, which were breed and developed independently from those dogs still in Japan. Meanwhile the Japanese decided to preserve their traditional breed, and focusing on the Matagi-inu developed the dog known as the Akita Inu. These two lines developed separately for years, and both have differences in appearance. The American Akita is often described as having a bear-like head, while the Akita Inu’s is more fox-like. In general the American Akita is much larger than its “cousin”.

American Akitas thrive on human companionship; this is not a dog that should be left out in a yard with no human interaction. They do well with most children, as traditional Japanese mothers would leave their children in their care. This is a breed that needs firm training from day one; they can be dog aggressive and should be socialized as a pup. American Akitas can be a willful breed, and are not recommended for a first time owner.