Dog of Afghanistan
The Afghan Hound is one of the oldest breeds of sighthound. It originates from the Middle Eastern country of Afghanistan. Afghan Hounds can be easily distinguished from other sighthounds by its long, thick, silky coat.
Afghan Hounds are tall and slender. They stand between 24-29 inches and weigh 45-60 pounds. The tail curiously curls at the tip, but is not carried along the back. Their coat can be almost any color; however it is normally sand in color. White markings are discouraged on an Afghan Hound.
It was always thought that the Afghan Hound was one of the oldest of breeds, at the very least dating to the pre-Christian era. Recent DNA testing shows that not only is the breed ancient, but that its existence dates back thousands of years. These breed has been kept pure for centuries, and it was prohibited to leave its native lands. Originally the breed was used not only for hunting, but also as a shepherd and watchdog as well. Game it was used for included gazelle, fox, wolves, and even snow leopards. It wasn’t until the beginning of the 20th century that the breed was seen in Europe and America. Despite its antiquity the Afghan Hound was not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) until the 1930s.
The Afghan Hound is an aloof and dignified breed. They have a high level of independence and may sometimes simply not obey. This can make the breed somewhat difficult to train and housebreak. They generally do well with older children, and can be reserved and suspicious of strangers. Afghan Hounds do not do well in apartments, as they need at least a yard with room for them to run.
One must remember when purchasing an Afghan Hound that their coat requires a lot of attention. Bathing is recommended weekly, and the coat should only be brushed when wet to prevent damage and matting. Also, as with all sighthounds care must be given if the dog needs anesthesia as the Afghan Hound has a small amount of body fat.